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SLQA Project began displaying study results in a new format starting with Study-2, 2008. All participating laboratory results are displayed using the Lab ID number assigned. Data tables and control charts are accessible by selecting the colored tabs at the bottom of each page.
* To display all functionalities within the spreadsheet you must download the study file (linked below). For example: Notes associated with the charts are only visible after downloading the spreadsheet. *

NEW Click here for dynamic viewing via Tableau (added June 2022).

Study-1, 2024 (Apr/May, 2024) NEW
Study-2, 2023 (Oct/Nov, 2023)
Study-1, 2023 (Apr/May, 2023)
Study-2, 2022 (Oct/Nov, 2022)
Study-1, 2022 (Apr/May, 2022)
Study-2, 2021 (Oct/Nov, 2021)
Study-1, 2021 (Apr/May, 2021)
Study-2, 2020 (Oct/Nov, 2020)
Study-1, 2020 (Apr/May, 2020)
Study-2, 2019 (Oct/Nov, 2019)
Study-1, 2019 (Apr/May, 2019)
Study-2, 2018 (Oct/Nov, 2018)
Study-1, 2018 (Apr/May, 2018)
Study-2, 2017 (Oct/Nov, 2017)
Study-1, 2017 (Apr/May, 2017)
Study-2, 2016 (Oct/Nov, 2016)
Study-1, 2016 (Apr/May, 2016)
Study-2, 2015 (Oct/Nov, 2015)
Study-1, 2015 (Apr/May, 2015)
Study-2, 2014 (Oct/Nov, 2014)
Study-1, 2014 (Apr/May, 2014)
Study-2, 2013 (Oct/Nov, 2013)
Study-1, 2013 (Apr/May, 2013)
Study-2, 2012 (Oct/Nov, 2012)
Study-1, 2012 (Apr/May, 2012)
Study-2, 2011 (Oct/Nov, 2011)
Study-1, 2011 (Apr/May, 2011)
Study-2, 2010 (Oct/Nov, 2010)
Study-1, 2010 (Apr/May, 2010)
Study-2, 2009 (Oct/Nov, 2009)
Study-1, 2009 (Apr/May, 2009)
Study-2, 2008 (Oct/Nov, 2008)
Old Format
Study-1, 1997 to Study-1, 2008


Here is a look at the historical Median Percent Error between the reported and expected results from 1997 to present. Below are individual lab charts from 2008 to present.

Lab#10 (GMA) Lab#18 (LA) Lab#29 (HRCEL)
Lab#11 (CA) Lab#19 (MO) Lab#30 (UWSP)
Lab#12 (NM) Lab#20 (MT) Lab#31 (VDCLS)
Lab#13 (CN) Lab#21 (NY) Lab#34 (DHHS)
Lab#14 (CVO) Lab#23 (USACE) Lab#35 (MBNEP)
Lab#15 (IA) Lab#25 (GCMRC) Lab#36 (SRWQL)
Lab#16 (IL) Lab#27 (MDPH) Lab#40 (SF)
Lab#17 (KY) Lab#28 (WSLH) Lab#41 (HRL)

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