False Positive & Negative Listing for 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE

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Updated 06/06/2013

False Positive & Negative Listing for 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE

Status Lab ID Spike Mix Reporting Level Analysis Date Result Conc. Expected Conc.
False Negative 20072070014 ERA 0714-06-02: 25 µl 0.49 08/27/07 < 0.49 1.839465
  20121310030 Crescent 06MM151: 80 µl 0.2 07/12/12 < 0.2 0.744
False Positive 20090430169 Accu B8090087: 40 µl 0.2 03/10/09 E 0.0038 0

Updated 06/06/2013