Plot of pctrecov * newdate

Statistics for the Plotted Points

Spike Level N Mean Std-Dev. Median F_Pseudo
Lower Range 17 95% 13% 96% 11%
Upper Range 6 93% 6% 94% 2%
< Reporting Level 2 77% 9% 77% 9%
Total 25 93% 12% 94% 10%

Miscellaneous Statistics for the Samples

Characteristic N % % Basis
Plotted 25 78% Spiked
Estimated Values 4 13% Spiked
Deleted Values 0 0% Spiked + Not Spiked
Spiked, Censored 5 16% Spiked
Spiked 32 .  
False Negatives 2 6% 2 out of 32
Not Spiked 130 .  
False Positives 0 0% 0 out of 130