BQS Organic Blind Sample Project |
False Positive and Negative Report for |
Method: 2001 |
Analyte | TestIDCode | CASNumber | # Samples Spiked |
# False Negatives |
# Samples Not Spiked |
# False Positives |
2,6-DIETHYLANILINE | 82660GCM35 | 579-66-8 | 70 | 0 | 60 | 0 |
ACETOCHLOR | 49260GCM33 | 34256-82-1 | 70 | 0 | 60 | 0 |
ALACHLOR | 46342GCM35 | 15972-60-8 | 70 | 0 | 60 | 0 |
ALPHA-HCH | 34253GCM35 | 319-84-6 | 70 | 0 | 60 | 0 |
ATRAZINE | 39632GCM35 | 1912-24-9 | 70 | 0 | 60 | 1 |
AZINPHOS-METHYL | 82686GCM35 | 86-50-0 | 71 | 0 | 59 | 1 |
BENFLURALIN | 82673GCM35 | 1861-40-1 | 74 | 0 | 46 | 0 |
BUTYLATE | 04028GCM35 | 2008-41-5 | 70 | 0 | 60 | 0 |
CARBARYL | 82680GCM35 | 63-25-2 | 71 | 0 | 59 | 2 |
CARBOFURAN | 82674GCM35 | 1563-66-2 | 71 | 0 | 59 | 1 |
CHLORPYRIFOS | 38933GCM35 | 2921-88-2 | 70 | 0 | 60 | 0 |
CIS-PERMETHRIN | 82687GCM35 | 61949-76-6 | 65 | 0 | 65 | 2 |
CYANAZINE | 04041GCM35 | 21725-46-2 | 71 | 0 | 59 | 1 |
DACTHAL | 82682GCM35 | 1861-32-1 | 66 | 0 | 60 | 0 |
DEETHYLATRAZINE | 04040GCM35 | 6190-65-4 | 65 | 1 | 60 | 1 |
DESULFINYLFIPRONIL | 62170GCM31 | 205650-65-3 | 26 | 0 | 104 | 2 |
DESULFINYLFIPRONIL AMIDE | 62169GCM31 | 000-03-09 | 10 | 0 | 120 | 1 |
DIAZINON | 39572GCM35 | 333-41-5 | 70 | 0 | 60 | 2 |
DIELDRIN | 39381GCM35 | 60-57-1 | 70 | 0 | 60 | 0 |
DISULFOTON | 82677GCM35 | 298-04-4 | 62 | 7 | 59 | 1 |
EPTC | 82668GCM35 | 759-94-4 | 70 | 0 | 60 | 0 |
ETHALFLURALIN | 82663GCM35 | 55283-68-6 | 70 | 0 | 60 | 0 |
ETHOPROPHOS | 82672GCM35 | 13194-48-4 | 74 | 2 | 56 | 2 |
FIPRONIL | 62166GCM31 | 120068-37-3 | 71 | 0 | 50 | 6 |
FIPRONIL SULFIDE | 62167GCM31 | 120067-83-6 | 74 | 2 | 47 | 11 |
FIPRONIL SULFONE | 62168GCM31 | 120068-36-2 | 71 | 0 | 59 | 1 |
FONOFOS | 04095GCM35 | 944-22-9 | 70 | 0 | 60 | 0 |
LINDANE | 39341GCM35 | 58-89-9 | 74 | 0 | 56 | 0 |
LINURON | 82666GCM35 | 330-55-2 | 71 | 0 | 59 | 1 |
MALATHION | 39532GCM35 | 121-75-5 | 74 | 0 | 56 | 1 |
METOLACHLOR | 39415GCM35 | 51218-45-2 | 72 | 0 | 58 | 1 |
METRIBUZIN | 82630GCM35 | 21087-64-9 | 74 | 0 | 56 | 2 |
MOLINATE | 82671GCM35 | 2212-67-1 | 70 | 1 | 60 | 0 |
NAPROPAMIDE | 82684GCM35 | 15299-99-7 | 74 | 0 | 56 | 1 |
P,P'-DDE | 34653GCM35 | 72-55-9 | 70 | 0 | 60 | 1 |
PARATHION | 39542GCM35 | 56-38-2 | 71 | 0 | 59 | 1 |
PARATHION-METHYL | 82667GCM35 | 298-00-0 | 70 | 0 | 60 | 1 |
PEBULATE | 82669GCM35 | 1114-71-2 | 74 | 0 | 56 | 1 |
PENDIMETHALIN | 82683GCM35 | 40487-42-1 | 70 | 0 | 60 | 1 |
PHORATE | 82664GCM35 | 298-02-2 | 71 | 3 | 59 | 4 |
PROMETON | 04037GCM35 | 1610-18-0 | 70 | 0 | 60 | 0 |
PROPACHLOR | 04024GCM35 | 1918-16-7 | 70 | 0 | 60 | 0 |
PROPANIL | 82679GCM35 | 709-98-8 | 74 | 0 | 56 | 0 |
PROPARGITE | 82685GCM35 | 2312-35-8 | 71 | 0 | 59 | 1 |
PROPYZAMIDE (PRONAMIDE) | 82676GCM35 | 23950-58-5 | 64 | 0 | 60 | 2 |
SIMAZINE | 04035GCM35 | 122-34-9 | 76 | 0 | 54 | 5 |
TEBUTHIURON | 82670GCM35 | 34014-18-1 | 71 | 0 | 59 | 1 |
TERBACIL | 82665GCM35 | 5902-51-2 | 71 | 0 | 59 | 1 |
TERBUFOS | 82675GCM35 | 13071-79-9 | 71 | 5 | 59 | 1 |
THIOBENCARB | 82681GCM35 | 28249-77-6 | 74 | 0 | 56 | 2 |
TRI-ALLATE | 82678GCM35 | 2303-17-5 | 70 | 0 | 60 | 0 |
TRIFLURALIN | 82661GCM35 | 1582-09-8 | 67 | 0 | 63 | 0 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 39632GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for ATRAZINE |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20093340130 | ChemService 430-43B: 25 µl | 0.007 | 01/07/10 | E 0.0008 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 82686GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for AZINPHOS-METHYL |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.12 | 03/20/09 | E 0.082 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 82680GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for CARBARYL |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.2 | 03/20/09 | E 0.141 | 0 |
20112380052 | NSI 070810-01: 50 µl | 0.06 | 09/10/11 | E 0.015 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 82674GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for CARBOFURAN |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.06 | 03/20/09 | E 0.14 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 82687GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for CIS-PERMETHRIN |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20080580075 | Accu B7070210: 25 µl | 0.01 | 04/24/08 | E 0.001 | 0 |
20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.014 | 03/20/09 | E 0.041 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 04041GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for CYANAZINE |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.04 | 03/20/09 | . 0.139 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 04040GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for DEETHYLATRAZINE |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Negative | 20111680034 | Supelco LB77170: 80 µl | 0.006 | 07/12/11 | < 0.006 | 0.8764588 |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.014 | 03/20/09 | E 0.079 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 62170GCM31 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for DESULFINYLFIPRONIL |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.012 | 03/20/09 | . 0.136 | 0 |
20101830108 | ChemService 430-43B: 80 µl | 0.012 | 07/22/10 | E 0.0007 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 62169GCM31 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for DESULFINYLFIPRONIL AMIDE |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.029 | 03/20/09 | E 0.123 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 39572GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for DIAZINON |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20080580075 | Accu B7070210: 25 µl | 0.005 | 04/24/08 | . 0.018 | 0 |
20081930031 | Accu B7070210: 25 µl | 0.005 | 08/01/08 | . 0.006 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 82677GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for DISULFOTON |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Negative | 20123200134 | NSI 062112-01Pest: 20 µl & Spex Organics T1120530009: 20 µl | 0.04 | 11/28/12 | < 0.04 | 0.08 |
20130320042 | NSI 062112-01Pest: 80 µl & ChemService 348200: 80 µl | 0.04 | 03/19/13 | < 0.04 | 0.32 | |
20130740018 | Abs 052212: 40 µl & Spex Organics T1120530009: 40 µl | 0.04 | 04/03/13 | < 0.04 | 0.16 | |
20130870087 | ERA 0507-12-05.1: 20 µl & ChemService 348200: 20 µl | 0.04 | 05/07/13 | < 0.04 | 0.08 | |
20131510025 | ChemService 1466000: 50 µl & NSI 042313Pest: 50 µl | 0.04 | 06/13/13 | < 0.04 | 0.2 | |
20131790010 | ChemService 1466000: 50 µl & ERA 0318-13-02.1: 50 µl | 0.04 | 07/17/13 | < 0.04 | 0.2 | |
20132000019 | Abs 041613: 20 µl & Spex Organics T1130517007: 20 µl | 0.04 | 08/17/13 | < 0.04 | 0.08 | |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.04 | 03/20/09 | E 0.084 | 0 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 82672GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for ETHOPROPHOS |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Negative | 20121950064 | Accu 212051201: 20 µl & Abs 052212: 20 µl | 0.016 | 07/24/12 | < 0.016 | 0.1004 |
20122090059 | Abs 052212: 20 µl & ChemService 348200: 20 µl | 0.016 | 08/05/12 | < 0.016 | 0.1004 | |
False Positive | 20080740018 | Ultra CD-2090: 25 µl | 0.012 | 04/29/08 | . 0.017 | 0 |
20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.016 | 03/20/09 | . 0.106 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 62166GCM31 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for FIPRONIL |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.04 | 03/20/09 | E 0.085 | 0 |
20111960037 | NSI 070810-01: 80 µl | 0.018 | 08/02/11 | E 0.0016 | 0 | |
20112380052 | NSI 070810-01: 50 µl | 0.018 | 09/10/11 | E 0.0012 | 0 | |
20123040155 | Accu 212051201: 40 µl & Abs 052212: 40 µl | 0.018 | 11/27/12 | E 0.0037 | 0 | |
20130180027 | Accu 212051201: 80 µl & Abs 052212: 80 µl | 0.018 | 01/29/13 | E 0.0065 | 0 | |
20131090033 | Accu 212051201: 40 µl & NSI 062112-01Pest: 40 µl | 0.018 | 05/14/13 | E 0.0025 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 62167GCM31 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for FIPRONIL SULFIDE |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Negative | 20112170172 | Supelco LB77170: 50 µl | 0.012 | 08/18/11 | < 0.012 | 0.04955 |
20120120072 | NSI 070810-01: 80 µl | 0.012 | 01/21/12 | < 0.012 | 0.0752 | |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.013 | 03/20/09 | . 0.102 | 0 |
20103230113 | ERA 0618-10-02 LS 2001#2: 20 µl | 0.012 | 03/01/11 | . 0.0041 | 0 | |
20110620083 | ERA 0618-10-02 LS 2001#2: 80 µl | 0.012 | 03/15/11 | E 0.0055 | 0 | |
20111590004 | ERA 0618-10-02 LS 2001#2: 50 µl | 0.012 | 06/28/11 | . 0.0027 | 0 | |
20112220128 | ERA 0618-10-02 LS 2001#2: 80 µl | 0.012 | 08/19/11 | . 0.19 | 0 | |
20112590004 | ERA 0618-10-02 LS 2001#2: 20 µl | 0.012 | 09/24/11 | E 0.0526 | 0 | |
20113130086 | ERA 0618-10-02 LS 2001#2: 20 µl | 0.012 | 11/19/11 | . 0.0485 | 0 | |
20120260061 | ERA 0618-10-02 LS 2001#2: 20 µl | 0.012 | 02/16/12 | . 0.0604 | 0 | |
20122300022 | Accu 212051201: 20 µl & Spex Organics T1120530009: 20 µl | 0.012 | 09/01/12 | . 0.0054 | 0 | |
20122850007 | ERA 0507-12-05.1: 40 µl & Spex Organics T1120530009: 40 µl | 0.016 | 11/08/12 | . 0.0028 | 0 | |
20130460006 | ERA 0507-12-05.1: 80 µl & Spex Organics T1120530009: 80 µl | 0.016 | 03/19/13 | . 0.0038 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 62168GCM31 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for FIPRONIL SULFONE |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.024 | 03/20/09 | . 0.078 | 0 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 82666GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for LINURON |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.06 | 03/20/09 | . 0.109 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 39532GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for MALATHION |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.02 | 03/20/09 | . 0.118 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 39415GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for METOLACHLOR |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.014 | 03/20/09 | . 0.122 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 82630GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for METRIBUZIN |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.016 | 03/20/09 | . 0.102 | 0 |
20103080118 | Supelco LB77170: 80 µl | 0.012 | 02/25/11 | . 0.0136 | 0 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 82671GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for MOLINATE |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Negative | 20120930004 | Supelco LB77170: 20 µl | 0.004 | 05/08/12 | < 0.004 | 0.005 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 82684GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for NAPROPAMIDE |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.018 | 03/20/09 | . 0.084 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
P,P'-DDE |
Method: 2001 Testid: 34653GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for P,P'-DDE |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20123200134 | NSI 062112-01Pest: 20 µl & Spex Organics T1120530009: 20 µl | 0.0048 | 11/28/12 | . 0.002 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 39542GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for PARATHION |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.02 | 03/20/09 | . 0.083 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 82667GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for PARATHION-METHYL |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20080580075 | Accu B7070210: 25 µl | 0.008 | 04/24/08 | E 0.006 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 82669GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for PEBULATE |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20112380052 | NSI 070810-01: 50 µl | 0.016 | 09/10/11 | . 0.0022 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 82683GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for PENDIMETHALIN |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.012 | 03/20/09 | . 0.054 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 82664GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for PHORATE |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Negative | 20130320042 | NSI 062112-01Pest: 80 µl & ChemService 348200: 80 µl | 0.02 | 03/19/13 | < 0.02 | 0.24 |
20130870087 | ERA 0507-12-05.1: 20 µl & ChemService 348200: 20 µl | 0.02 | 05/07/13 | < 0.02 | 0.06 | |
20131790010 | ChemService 1466000: 50 µl & ERA 0318-13-02.1: 50 µl | 0.02 | 07/17/13 | < 0.02 | 0.1 | |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.02 | 03/20/09 | . 0.104 | 0 |
20103080118 | Supelco LB77170: 80 µl | 0.02 | 02/25/11 | . 0.029 | 0 | |
20120620017 | NSI 070810-01: 50 µl | 0.02 | 05/05/12 | . 0.02 | 0 | |
20122430226 | ERA 0507-12-05.1: 20 µl & NSI 062112-01Pest: 20 µl | 0.02 | 09/22/12 | . 0.004 | 0 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 82685GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for PROPARGITE |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.02 | 03/20/09 | . 0.062 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 82676GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for PROPYZAMIDE (PRONAMIDE) |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20080580075 | Accu B7070210: 25 µl | 0.004 | 04/24/08 | . 0.006 | 0 |
20081930031 | Accu B7070210: 25 µl | 0.004 | 08/01/08 | E 0.002 | 0 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 04035GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for SIMAZINE |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20093060176 | Accu 209081259: 25 µl | 0.006 | 12/30/09 | E 0.0022 | 0 |
20100990016 | Accu 209081259: 25 µl | 0.006 | 06/24/10 | E 0.0017 | 0 | |
20101550007 | Accu 209081259: 80 µl | 0.006 | 07/06/10 | E 0.0043 | 0 | |
20102250102 | Accu 209081259: 25 µl | 0.006 | 10/27/10 | E 0.0018 | 0 | |
20102500052 | Accu 209081259: 80 µl | 0.006 | 12/01/10 | . 0.0043 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 82670GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for TEBUTHIURON |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.02 | 03/20/09 | . 0.144 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 82665GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for TERBACIL |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.04 | 03/20/09 | E 0.113 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 82675GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for TERBUFOS |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Negative | 20130320042 | NSI 062112-01Pest: 80 µl & ChemService 348200: 80 µl | 0.018 | 03/19/13 | < 0.018 | 0.2 |
20130740018 | Abs 052212: 40 µl & Spex Organics T1120530009: 40 µl | 0.018 | 04/03/13 | < 0.018 | 0.1 | |
20130870087 | ERA 0507-12-05.1: 20 µl & ChemService 348200: 20 µl | 0.018 | 05/07/13 | < 0.018 | 0.05 | |
20131510025 | ChemService 1466000: 50 µl & NSI 042313Pest: 50 µl | 0.018 | 06/13/13 | < 0.018 | 0.11 | |
20131790010 | ChemService 1466000: 50 µl & ERA 0318-13-02.1: 50 µl | 0.018 | 07/17/13 | < 0.018 | 0.11 | |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.018 | 03/20/09 | . 0.09 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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BQS Organic Blind Sample Program |
False Positives & False Negatives |
Method: 2001 Testid: 82681GCM35 |
Link to Individual Chart |
False Positive & Negative Listing for THIOBENCARB |
Status | Lab ID | Spike Mix | Reporting Level | Analysis Date | Result Conc. | Expected Conc. |
False Positive | 20090300001 | Crescent 08HH018: 25 µl | 0.016 | 03/20/09 | . 0.114 | 0 |
20103080118 | Supelco LB77170: 80 µl | 0.016 | 02/25/11 | . 0.008 | 0 |
Updated 09/28/2015 |
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